Basic knowledge of human nature suggests that when you're rich enough to buy anything you could ever want, you either take to a life of idle dissipation or look for higher goals, e.g. power over others. Those goals will involve long-term planning, coordination, and most likely a degree of secrecy.

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Very Good, as an addition I'd like to add, I explained this via an analogy to my friend once, so I will do the best to restate it here.

'Effectively a conspiracy is a group of people organising to have a set goal come about, but the goal isn't determined to occur even with the best laid plans, an analogy for this is, say you wanted to have a Football game rigged, what you would do is bribe a small number of people on the pitch or even just the Referee and or Linesmen, all they need to do is make certain calls that provide and advantage to one team, this is the conspiracy. But it is not determined to happen as you are still reliant on the players of each team to actually score points, this is the uncontrollably variable.'

This is to me where many get mixed up, most likely they are too stupid or blind to this, a conspiracy does not need every single angle to be planes out, only the key parts to swing an event in a desired direction.

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